Fylde Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 296
Fylde Lodge of Mark Master Masons hold their meetings at the Blackpool Masonic Hall Adelaide Street Blackpool and on the 28th March 2019 a goodly number of Mark Masons made their way there to attend the regular meeting. Due to the indisposition of the Worshipful Master Peter Lonicon Worshipful Brother Brian Ogden occupied the Master’s Chair. The lodge was opened at 6.30 p.m. by Worshipful brother Ogden and the items of a domestic nature were completed and the usual salutations were given with appropriate responses.
Bro. Coxhill, SD, WBro. McGown, PGSD., WBro. Forster, PGM's Spec.Rep., Bro. Davis, Candidate,
WBro. Ogden, Acting WM, WBro. Green, P.Prov.GSD., Bro. Rhodes and Bro. Fenton, JD
The next item was to advance Brother Malcolm Leonard Davis and on an alarm Brother Davis was escorted into the lodge by Brother Grenville Coxhill and Brother Brendon Fenton and an excellent ceremony of Advancement was carried out. The Worshipful Master was assisted in the ceremony by Worshipful Brother Peter Green Past Provincial Grand Senior Deacon, Brother Brian Purdie presented the working tools and Worshipful Brother Roy Rhodes explained the signs of the degree both in an exemplary manner. Brother Davis was welcomed into the Lodge and Mark Masonry by Worshipful Brother John Forster Past Grand Junior Deacon, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Masters special representative for the Fylde Coast. Brother Davis was escorted to a seat in the lodge.
Bro. Davis Candidate, WM. and WBro. Forster
A Ballot took place for Worshipful Brother Len Hellon Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden as an Honorary Member which was approved unanimously. The next item was to present Grand Lodge Certificates to Brother James Spiers Paterson and Brother Brian Montgomery. There being no further business the Worshipful Master closed the lodge.
Bro’s Purdie, Coxhill, Davis, Fenton with the WM
After the ubiquitous now photo shoot the Brethren repaired to the bar / lounge for an aperitif before being called to the dining room where they partook in a splendid three course dinner. The measure of a good evening is the amount of noise generated at the festive board; the noise was in abundance. The usual toasts were proposed, and the responses were well received. Soon we were heading homeward another splendid evening of Mark Masonry over.  
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan